31 May 2013

Police Low-Life Commentary

Scotty asked that this to be posted, his situation was mentioned in this letter to Olympia Power and Light, by Bruce Wilkinson:
"Thumbs up on improving the OP&L website. Your local news content, articles on music and performance as well as the cartoons by Chelsea Baker are all good. I consistently hate the Olympia lowlife police blotter. It has nothing of redeeming value to it. This column confirms that OP&L doesn't have a deep analysis of the problems of mainstream media. This section is not news, is not entertaining, provides no insight into Olympia crime and basically lacks any redeeming value. It is a feel good about the police section when the mainstream media floods us with feel good about police media. If I wanted to hear about dumb criminals and how great cops were I would open the Olympian, turn on the TV, watch the dozens of Law and Order spinoffs or watch movies like End of Watch."

22 May 2013

The Latest

The latest is that the next hearing date will likely not be until July. To hear other news of the latest, check Scott's latest nupdate. Thanks! Friends of Scotty